Sunday, June 26, 2011

Blog Post #8

This is How We Dream Part 1 and 2
This is How We Dream Part 1 and 2
Something I immediately liked about Part 1 is that he wrote his response to the shootings at Virginia Tech without visiting a library. For me this is very appealing as I do most of my homework late at night when I get off work. Richard Miller's document was mailed to people on the mailing list only to, as he put it, "make its way to the trash." The document is also available on line though. This means that anyone at anytime is able to access it. I would like my students to learn to use the web for their benefit for this very reason. They could have billions of sources of information at their fingertips. I feel like this make research for papers and education in general a little easier.
Miller also points out that with the Internet, information can be updated almost instantly. This makes it possibly to tap into the most update facts possible. Miller then states that educators must be open to sharing information and distribute it "openly and freely." This is why I want to have a class blog when I am a teacher. Miller strengthens his argument further by demonstrating the usefulness of YouTube. YouTube allowed him to upload his information instantly and as a result was accessed by 9,000 people within a matter of months. If this would have been published via text it would take two years to publish.
This is a YouTube logo.Miller's point is that we should embrace new technologies, if for nothing else then to spread ideas and information as quickly as possible. I'm not sure if I'm completely prepared to write in multimedia, but I am sure I will be more acquainted with it after this class. I do plan to continue Blogging and posting pod casts for classes. What Miller shows at the end of Part 2 is very mind boggling. It does inspire me to stay on top of new technology in an effort to keep up.

Blog Post #12 by Carly Pugh
Blog Post #12 by Carly Pugh
In my opinion Carly comes pretty close, if not achieves, what Dr.Miller was describing as far as spreading ideas through the Internet. Her dedication to her post leaves a lot to be admired. I really liked her assignment; it seems like it would fit in nicely with the ones we've had so far. By creating a play list of inspiring videos Carly shares her teaching ideals with the class(and anyone who stumbles upon her blog). Her numerous links also allow the reader to venture out and explore other sites and sources of information.To me this does exemplify what Dr.Miller spoke of in "This is How We Dream Part 1 and 2."

The Chipper Series and EDM310 for Dummies
The Chipper Series and EDM310 for Dummies
After watching both videos I determined that I would like to see EDM310 for Dummies done in more depth. A video not just showing that this class is important, but why it is would be a nice addition. Towards the end of EDM310 for Dummies one of the girls talks enthusiastically about what she is learning from Twitter. There could be a section on how Blogger, YouTube and Delicious contributed to her as well.
The point to these videos seems to be pretty straight forward. EDM310 can be overwhelming, but learning to use all the tools presented to us will only educate us in the end. The information we learn to access through Twitter, YouTube, Blogger, other sources will increase our knowledge about the education world. The Chipper Series demonstrates what happens when a student does not posses the drive to succeed in school. To me the main point of that video wasn't so much to illustrate the consequences of not putting effort forth in EDM310, but it was to shine a light on the importance of dedication to ones' studies in school and in ones' work life.

Learn to Change, Change to Learn
Learn to Change, Change to Learn
This video brought up something I haven't thought of before; even if we do not use technology in the classroom, children will still access it other places. They will Facebook between homework assignments and text on a daily basis. If they are engaging in technology outside of school then teachers should embrace it into their lesson plans. We should incorporate everything possible to, as the video stated, "ensure their best education." I feel that the arguments made in "Learn to Change, Change to Learn" were completely valid. It is my opinion that we should provide everything possible to keep our students up to date with the changing times. As teachers we will not be able to accomplish this if we do not incorporate technological changes into our classroom.


  1. Do be a blogger! I think it is an extremely powerful learning tool.

    MAybe I could just put a EDM310 For Dummies cover on the Instructional Manuals!

    Thoughtful. Well written, Thanks!

  2. Alana,
    I like the point you brought up that the Chipper Series demonstrates that a person needs to be committed to their academic studies as well as their work life. This also ties into your next segment where you talked about needing to accomplish the incorporation of technological changes into the classroom because if we do not learn how to be dedicated to our own academic studies and pursuit of knowledge, how can we expect our students to be? We can't forget that teachers lead by example :) Very well written post!
