Saturday, July 2, 2011

Project #3

Comments for Teachers #3
Scott Kemp's The Radical Tactical Shift

What We Can Do vs. What We Do Do
In this post Mr.Kemp address things that teachers might strive to do, but not always complete fully. He talks about connecting our classrooms digitally and educating teachers about how to achieve the maximum use through technology available today. Mr.Kemp also makes a point of stating that as teachers we should focus on how much students are actually learning, rather than attempt to assign numerical values(such as test scores) to the amount learned. This was something I addressed in my comment on "What We Can Do vs. What We Do Do." I completely agree that as teachers we should not only worry about raising test scores, but about helping students to learn and discover more than what is just required(to pass a test).

This is a pencil laying on top of a filled in scantron.
Accomplishing More By Doing Less
Mr.Kemp states that he is in favor of "student-centered learning" such as the hands on type learning we experience in EDM 310. He suggests that rather than trying to accomplish everything possible, we as teachers learn to step aside and encourage this type of learning. Kemp provides his four classroom priorities that aid him in student-centered learning. The first is "building relationships and culture," then "feedback, constant and constructive," "answering student questions, if deep inquiry" is next, and last is "get out of the way." In earlier Blog Assignments we were asked how we would go about teaching a networked student, and I was left unsure how to do this. "Accomplishing More By Doing Less" sounds like it could be the answer to my dilemma. In my comment I stated that I found this post very helpful and thought it could be the answer to teaching a networked student.

1 comment:

  1. Well, if the tests are worthless, or take away time from learning I would try to get rid of them or make them unimportant (if possible).

    Nice link to earlier assignments.
